The extraordinary generosity of donors, both past and present, make it possible for HRI to develop and support research efforts aimed at invigorating and enhancing your community—for generations to come. These efforts result in advancements in pest management practices, increased mechanization/automation, and improvements in production efficiency—all of which impact your horticulture community, your business, and your legacy.
Nine endowment circles recognize endowment donors:
Many HRI donors wish to honor friends, loved ones, and industry associations by establishing a named endowment fund. The collective investment returns on endowed funds are awarded annually in the form of research grants or scholarships. Each fund awards a grant or multiple grants. See who they are!
Spring Meadow—Proven Winners Fund
The Ball Horticultural Company Research Fund
Ohio Green Industry Association Research Endowment Fund
Sylvan Nursery-Sylvia and Neil Van Sloun Fund
Bailey Nurseries, Inc. Fund
Gordon Bailey Jr. “Tour de Hort”
Oregon Nursery Industry Endowment Fund
Orum-Midwest Research Fund
Overdevest Nurseries, LP Research Fund
Southern Nursery Association Legacy Fund
Albert and Olga Bachman Fund
The Robert W. Baker Companies Fund
Imperial Nurseries for Ernest Bietenholz Fund
Eastern Region IPPS Fund (Recognizing L.C. Chadwick, James Cross, William Flemer, III, Alfred J. Fordham, David F. Hamilton, Peter Orum, Ralph Shugert, Jr., William Snyder, and James S. Wells)
Fairview Evergreen Nurseries/F.C. Hetz Fund
Dwight Hughes Family Fund
Illinois Nurserymen’s Association Fund
Ramona and Bob Lederer Memorial Fund
Edmund V. Mezitt Fund
Michigan Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
Myra K. and Thomas S. Pinney, Jr. Fund
J. Frank Schmidt Family Trust Fund
Emanuel Shemin Fund
Tennessee Nurserymen’s Association Fund
Ernest Tosovsky Fund
Martin W. Usrey Fund
Carville M. Akehurst Memorial Scholarship Fund
Associated Landscape Contractors of America Fund
Dayton Bag & Burlap Employees Fund
GreenForest Nursery-Gulf States Fund
HRI Golf Classic Fund
John B. “Jack” Hill Memorial Fund
Illinois Green Industry Association Fund
Legacy Fund
New England Nursery Association Fund
Peter & Irma Orum Research Fund
John J. Pinney Fund
Prides Corner Farms Fund
Sherman Nursery Company Fund
Southern Region IPPS Education Fund
Willoway Nurseries Endowment Fund
American Beauties Native Plants Fund
Lewis Bookwalter/Berryhill Nursery Co. Fund
Timothy S. & Palmer W. Bigelow, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Bruce and Doris Briggs Fund
Ray Brush Fund
California Association of Nurserymen Endowment for Research & Scholarship Fund
Alice Crocker Horticultural Research Fund
Susan and Bob Dolibois Key Award Fund
John W. Flemer Memorial Fund
William Flemer, III Fund
Florida Nurserymen & Growers Association Fund
Garden Centers of America Consumer & Retail Research Endowment Fund
Garden Council Marketing Fund
Theodore & Emily Guarriello/Nursery Supplies, Inc. Fund
Home Nursery, Inc.—Chuck & Jean Tosovsky Family Fund
Karl Junginger Fund
Edward & Gertrude Losely Fund
Massachusetts Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
Gunter Mecking Scholarship Fund
Memorial Fund
Metrolina Greenhouse Research Fund
Minnesota Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
Mugget Growers of America Scholarship Fund
Merten E. Natorp Fund
NCTA Bob Stohr Memorial Christmas Tree Research Fund
Harold and Rebecca Nickel Fund
North Carolina Association of Nurserymen Fund
The Lydia & Palle H. Orum Research Fund
Pennsylvania Landscape & Nursery Association Fund
Joanne Kostecky Petito Memorial Fund
Craig Regelbrugge - Advocates for Horticulture Fund
Rhode Island Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
Paul & Tatum Saunders Research Fund
Siebenthaler Family Fund
Southern Region IPPS Fund
Hugh A. Steavenson/Forrest Keeling Nursery Fund
Melvin, Dona, Richard and Debra Surface Fund
Syngenta Professional Products Fund
Tankard Nursery Research Fund
Tennessee Valley Nursery for Hoskins, Minnie Lee & Bonnie Shadow Fund
Texas Nursery & Landscape Association Foundation Fund
The Usrey Family Scholarship Fund
Very Important Partner Fund
The Dennis and Harriet Walters Memorial Scholarship Fund
Wertheim, van der Ploeg & Klemeyer Fund
West Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
Richard P. and Marian T. White Fund
John B. and Elizabeth Wight Fund
John E. Wilde Propagation Fund
Bill and Gusta Adams Fund
Alabama Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
American Plantsman/Environmental Improvement Fund
ANLA Industry Honor Roll
ANLA Past President’s Fund
Belmont Nursery Research Fund
Ed Brown Fund
K.C. and Sandra Browne Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bruce Family Fund
Campbell & Ferrara Fund
Carolina Nurseries, Inc. Research Endowment Fund
Bryan A. Champion Memorial Scholarship Fund
Elma E. and John R. Collier Memorial Trust Fund
The Conard-Pyle Co. Fund
Cultivate the Future Scholarship Fund
Otto Damgaard Research Endowment Fund
Dundee Nursery & Landscaping Company Fund
William Flemer, Jr. Fund
Florists’ Mutual Insurance Fund
Flower Carpet Research Endowment Fund
Flowerwood Nursery-Plant Development Services, Inc. Fund
Harold Harned Memorial Fund
Jack Harrell Sr. Fund
The Hicks Family Fund
Betsy Boggs Hillenmeyer Fund
Louis and Martha Hillenmeyer Fund
Hines Nurseries, Inc. Fund
Iowa Nursery & Landscape Association Research Corp. Fund
Frank G. Kearney Fund
Mark & Jolly Krautmann Research Fund
Frank S. and Hilda P. LaBar Fund
Landscape Plant Development Center Fund
Dick and Lou Marshall Fund
McKay Nursery Fund
Mechanization Fund
Hans Nelson Family Trust Fund
New York State Research Endowment Fund
Otten Bros. Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Fund
Pierson Family Scholarship Fund
Richard E. Posey—Buckeye Resources, Inc. Fund
John and Gladys Powell Fund
Ed and Betty Rosenthal Florikan Endowment Fund
William N. and Jane N. Scarff Fund
The Scotts Company Fund
Shady Grove Plantation and Nursery Inc./Johnny and Ninkie Brailsford Memorial Fund
Sheridan Nurseries Research Fund
Dale Siems Research Fund
South Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association
Avery H. Steinmetz Fund
Sunleaf Nursery, LLP.—Robert & Carol Lyons Fund
Alma and Robert Taylor Fund
Bob and Jeanne Terry/Fisher Farms Fund
Valent Nurture Fund
O.L. and Verona Weeks Fund
Western Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
Wholesale Nursery Growers of America Fund
Wiegand’s Nursery Endowment Fund
Wight Nurseries Centennial Fund
Wright Family of Alabama Scholarship Fund
A.M. Leonard/ Howard Kyle Fund
ANLA Centennial Fund
Clayton A. Bunting Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Costich for Edwin H. Costich Fund
Harold Crawford Fund
Arie F. den Boer Memorial Fund
Margie de Wit Research Fund
Eason Family Fund
Gold Star Wholesale Nursery, Inc. Fund
William and Kathryn Heard Fund
Allen M. Helmich Fund
Oliver A., and Fred R. and Harry W. Hobbs Fund
Hoffman & McNamara Endowment Fund
Home Nursery/ Tosovsky Family Scholarship Fund
Hudson T. Hartmann/Western Region IPPS Fund
Illinois Landscape Contractors Association Fund
Indiana Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
Keiding, Inc. Fund
Garry & Lynne Knosher Research Fund
Esther M. Lawyer Memorial Research Endowment Fund
The Lerio Corporation Fund
Lincoln Nurseries for Aart and Margaretha deWit Fund
Al and Gladys Lindstrom, Owners of Wandell’s Nursery, Inc. & Minnesota Valley Companies Fund
LuxFlora for Women Scholarship Fund
Master Nursery Garden Centers Research Fund
National Association of Plant Patent Owners Fund
National Landscape Association Fund
Nursery Growers of Lake County Ohio, Inc. Fund
Raymond and Jane Oglesby Fund
Joyce O. and Thomas S. Pinney, Sr. Fund
The Pleasant View Gardens Scholarship Fund
Richard Schlick Fund
Siebenthaler Patent Fund
Robert W. Turnbull Memorial Fund
Susie & Bruce Usrey Education Fund
Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation Fund
Wisconsin Nursery Association Inc. Fund
Richard E. Cross Memorial Fund
Erickson Family Research Endowment Fund
Albert J. Gates III Living Trust Endowment Fund
Georgia Green Industry Association Fund
The John Henry Company Fund
The Hess Family Fund
Robert and Eileen Hillenmeyer Fund
Hoogendoorn Nurseries, Inc. Fund
Horticultural Printers Fund
The Kraft Family Fund
Manor View Scholarship Fund
Maschmeyer Family Fund
Minnesota Bork Family Fund
NSI/ Lerio Customer Marketing Fund
Teufel Nursery Fund
Van Hof Nurseries Fund
Wellington Kennedy Memorial Research Fund
Gary E. Briggs
Raymond and Elizabeth Brush
John H. den Boer
Robert Eastman
Dwight Hughes
Joanne Kostecky
Gary Mangum
Muriel Orans
Peter Orum
Ashby Pamplin
Myra K. and Thomas S. Pinney, Jr.
Ernie Tosovsky
Many green industry associations and organizations find that HRI affords greater research opportunities by maximizing a larger endowment like HRI’s to fund industry research. By creating a fund within the HRI endowment, an organization does not have the administrative, operational, and overhead expenses typical of managing an investment portfolio. The earnings from a named fund support the named fund’s grant award each year.
Ohio Research Endowment Fund
Oregon Nursery Industry Endowment Fund
Eastern Region IPPS Fund (Recognizing L.C. Chadwick, James Cross, William Flemer, III, Alfred J. Fordham, David F. Hamilton, Peter Orum, Ralph Shugert, Jr., William Synder, and James S. Wells)
Illinois Nurserymen's Association Fund
Michigan HRI Endowment Fund
Southern Nursery Association
SNA/HRI Golf Classic Fund
Tennessee Nurserymen's Association Fund
Associated Landscape Contractors of America Fund
New England Nursery Association Fund
California Association of Nurserymen
Endowment for Research & Scholarship Fund
Florida Nurserymen & Growers Association Fund
Garden Centers of America Consumer & Retail Research Endowment Fund
Garden Council Marketing Fund
Massachusetts Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
Minnesota Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
NCTA Bob Stohr Memorial Christmas Tree
Research Fund
North Carolina Association of Nurserymen Fund
Pennsylvania Landscape & Nursery Association Fund
Rhode Island Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
Southern Region IPPS Education Fund
Southern Region IPPS Fund
Texas Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
West Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
Iowa Nursery & Landscape Association Research Corp. Fund
New England Nursery Association's Industry Growth Initiative
New York State Research Endowment Fund
South Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association
Western Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
Wholesale Nursery Growers of America Fund
Alabama Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
Georgia Green Industry Association Fund
Illinois Landscape Contractors Association Fund
Indiana Nursery & Landscape Association Fund
National Association of Plant Patent Owners Fund
National Landscape Association Fund
Nursery Growers of Lake County Ohio, Inc. Fund
Wisconsin Nursery Association Inc. Fund
HRI has established a fund that allows industry members to recognize legacies. Honor children, grandchildren or that special someone through a donation of $1,000/legacy to the Legacy Club Fund.
The Horticultural Research Institute (HRI), the AmericanHort foundation, has provided more than $9.5 million in funds to research projects covering a broad range of production, environmental, and business issues important to the green industry. Nearly $18 million is committed to the endowment by individuals, corporations, and associations .
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